Monday, July 7, 2008

Long time no see, how are you?

To the Special Someone,

How are you nowadays? It's holiday now and I'm kinda bored here. Do you know what I'm doing when I'm bored? I always thinking of you. Your everything.. Sorry, I'm a bit busy after the final exam and cannot comply my promise. But I'll date you out after I finished my last assignment. Still remember the words that I said to you at the final day of the exam? And one important thing I said to you the day after the final exam. I'll tell you the answer when I'm free. So, happy holidays and remember sleep early. Take care, God Bless.

To my high-school representation partner,

Hmm~ Hi. Long time no see, how's life? And how's school? I first know you at the last day of my SPM second trial exam. We are asked by your class monitor to met the teachers. And we met each other at the staffroom. That's the time I get to know more about you. Outside the staffroom, some of the students mistakenly believe that we are lovers. Kinda funny. No more behind the scene. Lets keep that as P&C. So, how's your preparation for the SPM? Good Luck and take care. God Bless..

To my CV! buddy,

Quite sometimes no met each other and lost contact for a few days. How are you? And how's the trip? Remember to find me when you're in Miri. And don't forget to buy me some presents. I'm just kidding.. But remember to take photos. No more fun without you in Facebook. So, come back early ya. I know I am mean. lol~ Lastly, take care. And please send my regards to your best friend. Thank you..

To all 2nd Sem 08 SOAR First Training Candidates,

How are you all? Thanks all for the bondings. And nice to meet you all. For those who've been chosen to continue your journey, congrats and please do your best. For those who cannot continue their journey in the way you like, don't be sad. You still can continue your journey using the other way. So, I hope we all will continue our journey and hope we'll meet each other again during O-week. Very very last, I mean lastly, take care, God Bless.

To my assignment partner,

Hi. Remember go campus later to discuss the assignment. So, thanks for finding me as your teammate. Good luck, God Bless.. Take care.